module Monky.Outputs.I3
( I3Output
, getI3Output
import Monky.Modules
import Monky.Outputs.Unicode
import Control.Monad (unless)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import System.IO (hFlush, stdout)
data I3Output = I3Output
i3Full :: Text -> Text
i3Full xs = "\"full_text\": \"" `T.append` xs `T.append` "\""
getOut :: MonkyOut -> Text
getOut (MonkyPlain t) = i3Full t
getOut (MonkyImage _ c) = i3Full $ T.singleton c
getOut (MonkyBar p) = i3Full $ T.singleton (barChar p)
getOut (MonkyHBar p) = i3Full $ T.pack (replicate (p `div` 10) '█') `T.append` (T.singleton $ hBarChar (p `mod` 10 * 10))
getOut (MonkyColor (f, b) o) = T.concat
[ getOut o
, ", \"color\": \""
, f
, "\", \"background\": \""
, b
, "\""
doSegment :: [MonkyOut] -> IO ()
doSegment [] = return ()
doSegment [x] = do
putChar '{'
T.putStr $ getOut x
putChar '}'
doSegment (x:xs) = do
putChar '{'
T.putStr $ getOut x
putStr ", \"separator\": false"
putStr ", \"separator_block_width\": 1"
putStr "},"
doSegment xs
outputLine :: [[MonkyOut]] -> IO ()
outputLine [] = error "i3-output outputLIne should never be called with an empty list"
outputLine [x] = doSegment x
outputLine (x:xs) = do
doSegment x
unless (null x) (putChar ',')
outputLine xs
instance MonkyOutput I3Output where
doLine _ xs = do
putChar '['
outputLine xs
putStr "],"
putChar '\n'
hFlush stdout
getI3Output :: IO I3Output
getI3Output = do
putStrLn "{\"version\":1}"
putChar '['
return I3Output