module Monky.Outputs.Guess
( guessOutput
, GuessOut
import Data.Text (Text)
import Control.Exception (try)
import Data.Char (isDigit)
import Data.List (isPrefixOf)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import System.Directory (getDirectoryContents)
import System.IO (hIsTerminalDevice, stdout)
import System.Posix.Files (readSymbolicLink)
import Monky.Modules
import Monky.Outputs.Fallback (chooseTerminalOut)
import Monky.Outputs.Show (getShowOut)
import Monky.Outputs.Dzen2 (getDzenOut)
import Monky.Outputs.I3 (getI3Output)
import Monky.Outputs.Serialize (getSerializeOut)
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
data Output
= Terminal
| Process String
| Other
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data GuessOut = forall a . MonkyOutput a => GO a
instance MonkyOutput GuessOut where
doLine (GO o) = doLine o
networkOuts :: [String]
networkOuts = ["netcat", "nc", "socat"]
fdToPath :: String -> Int -> IO String
fdToPath proc fd = readSymbolicLink ("/proc/" ++ proc ++ "/fd/" ++ show fd)
getProcFds :: String -> IO (Maybe (String, [(Int, String)]))
getProcFds proc = do
ret <- try $ do
fds <- map read . filter (not . isPrefixOf ".") <$> getDirectoryContents ("/proc/" ++ proc ++ "/fd/")
paths <- mapM (fdToPath proc) fds
exe <- readSymbolicLink ("/proc/" ++ proc ++ "/exe")
return (reverse . takeWhile (/= '/') . reverse $ exe, zip fds paths)
return $ case ret of
(Left (_ :: IOError)) -> Nothing
(Right x) -> Just x
hasPipe :: String -> (String, [(Int, String)]) -> Bool
hasPipe pipe (_, xs) = any (\(fd, path) -> path == pipe && fd /= 1) xs
pickCandidate :: String -> [(String, [(Int, String)])] -> Maybe String
pickCandidate _ [] = Nothing
pickCandidate _ [(x, _)] = Just x
pickCandidate pipe xs =
let std = filter (\(_, ys) -> any (\(i, path) -> i == 1 && path == pipe) ys) xs in
Just . fst $ if null std
then head xs
else head std
getOutputType :: IO Output
getOutputType = do
term <- hIsTerminalDevice stdout
if term
then return Terminal
else do
procs <- filter (all isDigit) <$> getDirectoryContents "/proc"
fds <- catMaybes <$> mapM getProcFds procs
own <- readSymbolicLink ("/proc/self/fd/1")
let candidates = filter (hasPipe own) fds
let candidate = pickCandidate own candidates
return $ case candidate of
Nothing -> Other
(Just x) -> Process x
:: Int
-> Text
-> String
-> IO GuessOut
chooseProcessOut height path x
| x == "dzen2" = GO <$> getDzenOut height path
| x == "i3bar" = GO <$> getI3Output
| x `elem`networkOuts = GO <$> getSerializeOut
| otherwise = GO <$> getShowOut
:: Int
-> Text
-> IO GuessOut
guessOutput height path = do
out <- getOutputType
case out of
Terminal -> GO <$> chooseTerminalOut
Other -> GO <$> getShowOut
(Process x) -> chooseProcessOut height path x