    Copyright 2015,2016 Markus Ongyerth, Stephan Guenther

    This file is part of Monky.

    Monky is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    Monky is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
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{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
Module      : Monky.Examples.Memory
Description : An example module instance for the memory module
Maintainer  : ongy, moepi
Stability   : testing
Portability : Linux

For older kernels the memory available value may be wrong.
When not provided by the kernel it's computed as `free + cached + buffers`.
If you find this to be to inacurate, use the version for memory free.
But be aware, that free memory on linux can go close to zero because of io buffers.
module Monky.Examples.Memory
  ( getMemoryHandle
  , getMemoryBarHandle
  , getMemoryFreeHandle

  , MHandle
  , MFHandle
  , MBHandle

import Monky.Examples.Utility
import Monky.Examples.Images
import Monky.Modules

import Monky.Memory hiding (getMemoryHandle)
import qualified Monky.Memory as M (getMemoryHandle)

-- |Simple handle to display current memory available
newtype MHandle = MH MemoryHandle

-- |Get the the memory handle (available)
getMemoryHandle :: IO MHandle
getMemoryHandle = fmap MH $ M.getMemoryHandle

{- Memory Module -}
instance PollModule MHandle where
  getOutput (MH h) = do
    mp <- getMemoryAvailable h
      [ memoryImage
      , MonkyPlain $ convertUnitB (mp * 1024) "B"

-- |Simple handle to display current free memory
newtype MFHandle = MFH MemoryHandle

-- |Get the the memory handle (free)
getMemoryFreeHandle :: IO MFHandle
getMemoryFreeHandle = fmap MFH $ M.getMemoryHandle

{- Memory Module -}
instance PollModule MFHandle where
  getOutput (MFH h) = do
    mp <- getMemoryFree h
      [ MonkyImage "mem" '🐏'
      , MonkyPlain $ convertUnitB (mp * 1024) "B"

-- |Handle to display the current memory usage (used/caches/free) as horizontal bar
data MBHandle = MBH Float MemoryHandle

-- |Get the 'MBHandle'
  :: Float -- ^A factor to modify bar length. Total-length: 100/f
  -> IO MBHandle
getMemoryBarHandle f = fmap (MBH f) $ M.getMemoryHandle

getUsagePercents :: MemoryHandle -> IO (Int,Int)
getUsagePercents h = do
  (total, avail, free, _) <- getMemoryStats h
  return ((total - avail) * 100 `div` total, (total - free) * 100 `div` total)

newBar :: Float -> (Int, Int) -> [MonkyOut]
newBar f (u, us) =
  let used   = round $ fromIntegral u / f
      cached = round $ fromIntegral (us - u) / f
      fill   = round (100 / f) - used - cached in
    [ MonkyHBar used
    , MonkyColor ("#444444", "") (MonkyHBar cached)
    , MonkyColor ("#262626", "") (MonkyHBar fill)

getNMemoryOut :: MemoryHandle -> Float -> IO [MonkyOut]
getNMemoryOut h f = do
  percents <- getUsagePercents h
  return $ memoryImage:newBar f percents

instance PollModule MBHandle where
  getOutput (MBH f h) = getNMemoryOut h f